DIY Susy

Susy is built in three distinct modules: math, output, and syntax. The math and output layers form the core of Susy — so abstract that they could be used for any grid system. That’s exactly what we hope will happen.

The syntax modules hold it all together. In the same way that you can theme a website, applying different CSS to the same markup, you can theme Susy by writing your own syntax (or extending one of ours).

We’ve written a powerful new Default Syntax, and we’re keeping the old Susy One available as well. But why stop there? You can create your own unique syntax, or port over the language of existing tools like oocss, singularity, zurb, neat, zen, blueprint, 960gs, etc., without ever leaving Susy.

Core Settings

While the Susy language module is built to support layouts of all kinds, we only need the math module for grid basics.

The Susy core has two settings: columns, and gutters.

$symmetrical: (
  columns: 12,
  gutters: 1/4,

$asymmetrical: (
  columns: (1 3 4 6 2),
  gutters: .5,

Both columns and gutters are set as unitless numbers, but you can think of them as “grid units” — as they are all relative to each other. 1/4 gutter is a quarter the size of 1 column.

Is Symmetrical

Returns null if a grid is asymmetrical.

  • $columns: <number> | <list>

It’s not a difficult test, but it’s important to know what you’re dealing with.

// input
$sym: is-symmetrical(12);
$asym: is-symmetrical(2 4 6 3);

// output
$sym: 12;
$asym: null;

Susy Count

Find the number of columns in a given layout.

  • $columns: <number> | <list>

This is only necessary for asymmetrical grids, since symmetrical are already defined by their count, but the function handles both styles for the sake of flexibility.

  1. <number>: Susy grid layouts are defined by columns. In a symmetrical grid all the columns are the same relative width, so they can be defined by the number of columns. We can have an “8-column” grid, or a “12-column” grid.

    // input
    $count: susy-count(12);
    // output
    $count: 12;
  2. <list>: Asymmetrical grids are more complex. Since each column can have a different width relative to the other columns, we need to provide more detail about the columns. We can do that with a list of relative (unitless sizes). Each number in the list represents a number of grid units relative to the other numbers.

    // input
    $count: susy-count(1 2 4 3 1);
    // output
    $count: 5;

    For asymmetrical grids, the number of columns is egual to the list length. This isn’t complex math.

Column Sum

Find the total sum of column-units in a layout.

  • $columns: <number> | <list>
  • $gutters: <ratio>
  • $spread: false/narrow | wide | wider

Rather than counting how many columns there are, the susy-sum function calculates the total number of grid units covered. It’s a simple matter of adding together all the columns as well as the gutters between them.

// input
$susy-sum: susy-sum(7, .5);

// output: 7 + (6 * .5) = 10
$susy-sum: 10;

Most grids have one less gutter than column, but that’s not always true. The spread argument allows you to also include the gutters on either side. While the default narrow spread subtracts a gutter, the wide spread (common when using split gutters) has an equal number of columns and gutters.

// input
$wide-sum: susy-sum(7, .5, wide);

// output: 7 + (7 * .5) = 10.5
$wide-sum: 10.5;

On rare occasions you may actually want gutters on both sides, which we call a wider spread.

// input
$wider-sum: susy-sum(7, .5, wider);

// output: 7 + (8 * .5) = 11
$wider-sum: 11;

This is all possible with asymmetrical grids as well.

// input
$susy-sum: susy-sum(1 2 4 2, 1/3);

// output: (1 + 2 + 4 + 2) + (3 * 1/3) = 10
$susy-sum: 10;

Column Span

Return a subset of columns at a given location.

  • $span: <number>
  • $location: <number>
  • $columns: <number> | <list>

This is only necessary for asymmetrical grids, since a symmetrical subset is always equal to the span, but the function handles both styles for the sake of flexibility.

The location is given as a column index, starting with 1, so that 1 is the first column, 2 is the second, and so on.

// input
$sym-span: susy-span(3, 2, 7);
$asym-span: susy-span(3, 2, (1 2 3 5 4));

// output: 3 columns, starting with the second
$sym-span: 3;
$asym-span: (2 3 5);


Find the sum of given slice.

  • $span: <number>
  • $location: <number>
  • $columns: <number> | <list>
  • $gutters: <ratio>
  • $spread: false/narrow | wide | wider

This is where it all comes together. susy is the basic building-block for any grid system. It combines susy-span with susy-sum to return the unitless width of a given slice.

// input
$sym-span: susy(3, 2, 7, .5);
$asym-span: susy(3, 2, (1 2 3 5 4), .5);

// output
$sym-span: 4;
$asym-span: 11;

All you need to do is add units...

Build Something New

That’s really all it takes to build a grid system. The rest is just syntax. Start with susy().

$sum: susy(3, 2, 7);

If you want static grids, you can multiply the results by the width of one column.

// static
$column-width: 4em;
$static: $sum * $column-width;

For a fluid grid, divide the results by the context span sum, to get a percentage.

// fluid
$context: susy(7);
$fluid: percentage($sum / $context);

That’s all it takes. Now go build yourself a grid system!

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